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ELP3 stabilizes c-Myc to promote tumorigenesis
Wentao Zhao1,2,† , Cong Ouyang1,† , Chen Huang1,† , Jiaojiao Zhang1 , Qiao Xiao1 , Fengqiong Zhang1 , Huihui Wang1 , Furong Lin1 , Jinyang Wang1 , Zhanxiang Wang2,* , Bin Jiang1,* , Qinxi Li1,*
1State Key Laboratory of Cellular Stress Biology, School of Life Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Life Sciences, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361102, China
2Department of Neurosurgery and Department of Neuroscience, Fujian Key Laboratory of Brain Tumors Diagnosis and Precision Treatment, Xiamen Key Laboratory of Brain Center, the First Affiliated Hospital of Xiamen University, School of Medicine, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361003, China
These authors contributed equally to this work
*Correspondence to:Zhanxiang Wang , Bin Jiang , Qinxi Li ,
J Mol Cell Biol, Volume 15, Issue 9, September 2023, mjad059,
Keyword: ELP3, c-Myc, FBXW7, Elongator

ELP3, the catalytic subunit of the Elongator complex, is an acetyltransferase and associated with tumor progression. However, the detail of ELP3 oncogenic function remains largely unclear. Here, we found that ELP3 stabilizes c-Myc to promote tumorigenesis in an acetyltransferase-independent manner. Mechanistically, ELP3 competes with the E3-ligase FBXW7β for c-Myc binding, resulting in the inhibition of FBXW7β-mediated ubiquitination and proteasomal degradation of c-Myc. ELP3 knockdown diminishes glycolysis and glutaminolysis and dramatically retards cell proliferation and xenograft growth by downregulating c-Myc, and such effects are rescued by the reconstitution of c-Myc expression. Moreover, ELP3 and c-Myc were found overexpressed with a positive correlation in colorectal cancer and hepatocellular carcinoma. Taken together, we elucidate a new function of ELP3 in promoting tumorigenesis by stabilizing c-Myc, suggesting that inhibition of ELP3 is a potential strategy for treating c-Myc-driven carcinomas.